Cases with Missing Assessments

In this sub-report, the system displays cases that are included in the PBRER, but one or more of the following have not been assessed:

  • Case Seriousness

  • Report Type

  • Case Causality

  • Case Listedness

  • Case Outcome

  • Event Seriousness

  • Event Causality

  • Event Listedness

Case Seriousness, Case Causality, Case Listedness, Case Outcome, and Event Seriousness print their corresponding values, while Event Causality prints OK if the information is present and Missing if missing. Case seriousness and Event seriousness print values are Unknown if seriousness is undefined. The system prints event listedness OK if listed or unlisted. Otherwise, it prints it as Unknown.

Figure 5-7 Cases Missing Assessments

Description of Figure 5-7 follows
Description of "Figure 5-7 Cases Missing Assessments"