Configure Axway B2Bi

  1. Log in to a client computer.
  2. From the browser, go to (Sender or Receiver) http://<AxwayB2BiServer>:6080/ui/.
  3. In the Axway B2Bi Login screen, enter the Axway B2Bi User ID and Password, and click Login.
  4. In the Getting Started screen, hover over the Trading Configuration icon and select Recent Communities > Manage Trading Configuration from the menu.
  5. In the Pick a community screen, click Add a community.
  6. In the Choose the source screen:
    1. Click Next to continue.
    2. Click the Manually create a new community profile option button.
    3. Enter the parameters.
    4. Click Yes to add a certificate.


      This information is entered for both the sender and the receiver, but initially for the sender.

    5. Click Finish.
  7. In the Add a certificate screen, click Create a self-signed certificate and click Next.
  8. In the Enter the certificate information screen, click Next.
  9. In the Review request screen, click Next.
  10. In the View certificate details screen:
    1. Check Make this the default encryption certificate.
    2. Check Make this the default signing certificate.
    3. Click Finish.
  11. Hover over the Trading Configuration icon, from the drop-down menu, select the recent Communities > <community>.
  12. In the Summary screen, click the Setup up a pickup for receiving messages from partners.
  13. In the Choose message protocol screen, select the EDIINT AS2 (HTTP) option and click Next.
  14. In the Choose HTTP transport type screen, click Next.
  15. In the Configure URL screen, click Next.
  16. In the Exchange Name screen, enter the Exchange Name and click Finish.
  17. In the Summary screen, click Application Delivery and add an application delivery.
  18. In the Choose transport protocol screen, select the File system option and click Next.
  19. In the Configure the file system settings screen, click Next.
  20. In the Exchange Name screen, enter the Exchange Name and click Finish.
  21. Go to the Summary Page and click Configure the settings for application delivery.
  22. In the Select application delivery screen, select Name, enter Friendly Name, and click Finish.

For more information, see: