Configure the Database Setup Properties File

Make sure the file that contains the information for the Oracle Argus Safety Database setup has correct data. If not, edit the file.

The file is located on the database server at Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Safety.


In case you are creating the schema on windows from the User Interface, you MUST update only the following parameter:

  • argus_securekey_path=path of the ArgusSecureKey.ini file

    The default value is C:/windows

  • tablespace_encryption=blank or text, where

    - blank = no encryption

    - text like: encryption using 'AES256' default storage (encrypt)

You may ignore other parameters.

  • #DB Connection Details
    • db_connect_string= host name:port/service name
    • dba_user=argus dba user or system user
  • #Application Type
    • application_type=MULTI (for a multi-tenant setup) or SINGLE (for a single-tenant setup)
    • enterprise_name=DEFAULT
    • enterprise_short_name=DEFAULT
  • #Complete path of Argus Secure Key ini file
    • argus_securekey_path=path of the ArgusSecureKey.ini file

      The default value is C:/windows

    • url—URL for the database connection
    • dbaUser—SYSTEM or DBA privileged user
  • #Argus DB Schemas—Schema Name and Password (optional). If the password is left blank, it will be prompted at run-time.
    • To prompt for each password on the screen:
      • appSchema_argus_schema=argus_app
      • appSchema_argususer=argususer
      • appSchema_argus_login=argus_login
      • appSchema_vpd_schema=vpd_owner
      • appSchema_bip_schema=bip_app
      • appSchema_esm_login=esm_login
      • appSchema_esm_schema=esm_owner
      • appSchema_esmquery_schema=esm_query
      • appSchema_dlp_schema=dlp_owner
      • appSchema_dlp_esmquery_schema=dlp_esm_query
      • appschema_bridge_schema=argus_bridge
    • To avoid prompt for each password on the screen, set up the password as the login password for each user:
      • appSchema_argus_schema= argus_app/password
      • appSchema_argususer= argususer/password
      • appSchema_argus_login= argus_login/password
      • appSchema_vpd_schema= argus_vpd/password
      • appSchema_bip_schema= bip_owner/password
      • appSchema_esm_login= esm_login/password
      • appSchema_esm_schema= esm_owner/password
      • appSchema_esmquery_schema= esm_query/password
      • appSchema_dlp_schema= dlp_owner/password
      • appSchema_dlp_esmquery_schema= dlp_esm_query/password
      • appschema_bridge_schema=argus_bridge/password
  • #Argus DB Roles—Enter the names of the database roles you need to be required. If this is an upgrade, list the roles under For upgrade. If this is a fresh installation, enter the roles under For the new setup in the file.
  • #Argus Data Tablespaces—Define the tablespace and datafile details.

    Similarly ESM and DLP sections Define Data and Index datafiles.

  • #Default and Temporary table spaces
    • default_ts=USERS
    • temp_ts=TEMP
  • #TableSpace parameters
    • tablespace_encryption=blank or text, where

      - blank = no encryption

      - text like: encryption using 'AES256' default storage (encrypt)

    • tablespace_initial_size=10M
    • tablespace_autoextend=ON
    • tablespace_next_size=10M
    • tablespace_block_size=8K
  • #Logging level parameters
    • log_level=info

      Logs the entire history of changes applied to the database. This is the default value.

    • log_level=debug

      Logs the entire history of changes applied to the database along with additional debug information.

  • #Disable Hub API—Executes SQLLDR based on the operating system.

    Set liquibase.hub.mode=off

    Default value is N, that is, the DBInstaller is expected to run on Windows, and isLinux=N.

    To execute the DBInsatller on Argus Bridge on Linux, set this parameter to Y and isLinux=Y.