Flexible Aggregate Reports

To upload the Argus Safety.xdrz file to Oracle Analytics Publisher execute the following steps:
  1. Copy the Argus Safety.xdrz file from the following location on the Argus Safety Web Server to the local file system: <Argus Install Media>\SUPPORT\BIP
  2. Log in to Oracle Analytics Publisher using Oracle Analytics Admin User credentials.
  3. From the left pane, click Catalog.

    This displays the Catalog screen with the Folders and Tasks sections.

  4. Click Shared Folders under Folders.
  5. Click Upload under Tasks.

    This displays the Upload dialog box.

  6. Click Browse and navigate to the location where you have saved the Argus Safety.xdrz file on the local file system.
  7. Click Upload. When done, an Argus Safety folder is created in Shared Folders.
  8. Expand the Argus Safety folder to verify whether the data model and reports are present.
To set permissions for Oracle Argus Safety Shared Folders:
  1. Log in to Oracle Argus Analytics.
  2. Go to Shared folders > Argus Safety > Tasks > Permissions.

    The Permissions dialog box appears.

  3. To set the permissions, select Apply Permissions to sub-folders, select Permission to items within folder, and click OK.
    Accounts Permissions

    FAR Administrator Role/EXP Administrator Role

    Full Control

    FAR Safety Author Role/EXP Safety Author Role

    Full Control

    FAR Safety Consumer Role/EXP Safety Consumer Role

    Custom (Read, Traverse, Run Publisher Report, Schedule Publisher Report, and View Publisher Output)

    Oracle Analytics Service Administrator (Owner)

    Full Control