Generate New Cryptography Key

You must generate the ArgusSecureKey.ini key file before running the Oracle Argus Safety Crypto Tool.

  1. Launch the Cryptography Key Editor.
    The Key Editor Utility screen appears.
  2. Click New.
    The Generate Key screen appears.
  3. In the Note to be added as comment field, enter a comment that will be saved in the ArgusSecureKey.ini.
    This can be any form of metadata, such as the reason why this key was generated or for what environments it is used.
  4. Enter ARGUSUSER password and Confirm password.
  5. (Optional) Enter APR_USER password and Confirm password.
    This field applies to the Oracle Argus Insight user. If Oracle Argus Insight is not installed along with Oracle Argus Safety, leave this field blank.
  6. Click OK.
    The ArgusSecureKey.ini file is created in the <Install folder>\CryptoKeyEditor\output\<DateTimeStamp>\.
  7. Click the link in the Argus Secure Key Path dialog box to open the folder in Windows Explorer.
  8. Click Close, I will copy it manually and copy the file manually from the window that gets opened by clicking on the link mentioned above.
  9. To move the generated ArgusSecureKey.ini file to the .\Windows folder, click Copy to windows folder.