Install Oracle Argus Unblinding Utility


When Oracle Argus Unblinding is installed alone, you must provide a temporary path and update the Argus.ini 'UploadedLetters' parameter. This parameter uses this same path that is entered as the temporary path.

  1. Log in as the Administrator on the system where Oracle Argus Safety is being installed.
  2. Copy the installation package to the local directory of the target machine.
  3. Open the Argus Safety folder and click setup.exe.
  4. In the Argus Suite Solution Components Installation Wizard, click Next.
  5. Enter the User Name and Company Name, and click Next.
  6. In the Argus Suite Solution Components screen, select End of Study Unblinding Module and click Next.
  7. In the Setup Completed dialog box, click Finish.
  8. You can now run the Oracle Argus Unblinding Interface utilities.
  9. To set up the Argus Cryptography Key, refer to the section Oracle Argus Safety Application Servers.