Pre-installation Configuration

Before integrating Oracle Analytics Server with Oracle Argus Insight, make sure to complete the following tasks:

  1. Install JDK on the machine where Oracle Argus Insight is installed.
  2. Since the data for analysis is based on Oracle Argus Mart schema and not the Oracle Argus Insight Mart schema, the TNS entry for the Oracle Argus Mart schema should be present in the Oracle Analytics Server 12c home at the following path:



    In this chapter, bi is referred as the domain name. This domain name may differ based on your configuration.


  3. Set up the TNS for Oracle Client Home in the PATH variable.
  4. Install Oracle Argus Mart.

    When the installation is complete, the new tables, indexes, packages and all the objects required for Oracle Analytics Server are created in the Oracle Argus Mart schema.

    Additionally, a read only user AM_BI_USER with read-only privileges on Oracle Analytics Objects is created.

    For detailed information on installing and upgrading Oracle Argus Mart schema, refer to Oracle Argus Mart Installation and Administration Guide.