Run the Initial ETL

  1. Log in to the Oracle Argus Insight Web Server as a user with administrator privileges.
  2. Click Start.
  3. Navigate to Oracle > Argus Insight, and then select Insight ETL Tool.
  4. Click Initial ETL.

    The Oracle Database Connect dialog box appears.

  5. To connect to the Oracle Database:
    1. In the User field, enter the user name (AI_APR_MART user name in the AI database).
    2. In the Password field, enter the password for the user.
    3. In the Database field, enter the name of your Oracle Argus Insight database.
    4. Click OK.

    The Initial ETL Status dialog box opens.

  6. Click Start ETL.

    The initial process of extracting, transforming, and loading data begins. A message confirming that you have completed the required configuration steps appears.

  7. Click Yes if these items have already been configured.

    The Initial ETL Status dialog box appears stating the ETL start time, the progress bar, and the current process in execution.

    While the ETL is in progress, you can:

    • To close the dialog box, and exit from the Insight ETL Tool, click Close.

      Closing the dialog box does not affect the execution of the ETL process.

    • To halt the ETL process, click Stop ETL.

      For more information about this option, see Stop the Execution of ETL.

    A status message appears when the initial ETL process is completed.

For more information, see: