Interoperability with Oracle Safety One Intake


Interoperability with Oracle Safety One Intake


Oracle Argus Safety 8.4.1 enables the advanced intake feature through integration with Oracle Safety One Intake. Oracle Safety One Intake is designed to accept the Adverse Event (AE) reports in various file types through UI or API uploads.

It enables you to configure these uploads for identification of the ingested reports. The system uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) predictions on reports that are in PDF, DOC, DOCX, and XML file types to extract information from the reports and automatically process them. It also includes features for manual rectification of extracted attributes when there are processing issues, a monitoring feature for ingested AE reports, and the ability to publish the reports to Oracle Argus Safety where they are converted into cases.

New User Roles in Oracle Argus Safety Console

To access the Oracle Safety One Intake UI, the following roles are introduced in Oracle Argus Safety Console:

  1. Intake Processor
  2. Intake Designer


These roles have no significance in Oracle Argus Safety. For more information, see the Oracle Safety One Intake release notes.

New Enabled Module

A new option, Intake, is introduced is the Enabled Modules. For more information, see the Oracle Safety One Intake release notes.

New System Numbering in Oracle Argus Safety Console

For the documents uploaded in Oracle Safety One Intake, a unique identifier is assigned. To define the format of this unique identifier a new screen: Intake System Numbering is introduced, which is accessible from Argus Console > System Configuration > System Numbering > Intake. For more information, see the Oracle Safety One Intake release notes.

New Interchange profile

The Structured and non-structured documents (pdf, docx, txt, etc.) uploaded in Oracle Safety One Intake are processed and converted into E2B R3+ messages (XML) and published to Oracle Argus Safety via REST API. To decode this E2B R3+ message, a new profile: SAFETY ONE ARGUS E2B R3+ TEMPLATE is introduced. This template is activated only when you opt for Oracle Safety One Intake.

For more information, see the Oracle Safety One Intake release notes.


The structured documents (E2B (R2) and E2B (R3)) uploaded in Safety One Intake are processed and published to Oracle Argus Safety with their original tags intact. Such structured documents are decoded in Oracle Argus Safety based on the sender and receiver configuration and interchange profile mapping set in the reporting destination code list.