Common Profile Switches for Device Report

The following screen is displayed when you navigate to Common Profile > Argus J > Reporting > Device Report:

Device Report Common Profile Switches screen

Device Report Responsible Officer

A new tree-node, Device Report Responsible Officer, has been added under Console > System Configuration > System Management (Common Profile Switches) >Argus J > Reporting. It has the following new switches in the same order as specified below:

  • Responsible Officer – Company Name: Textbox, Maxlength = 100
  • Responsible Officer – Department: Textbox, Maxlength = 100
  • Responsible Officer – Address: Textbox, Maxlength = 60
  • Responsible Officer – Telephone: Textbox, Maxlength = 50
  • Responsible Officer – Fax: Textbox, Maxlength = 50
  • Responsible Officer – Email: Textbox, Maxlength = 255

The following common profile switches are available under Common Profile > Argus J > Reporting > Device Report:

  • SQL used to populate the Listedness field on the PMDA Device report form 8 (parameters: P_CASE_ID, P_PRODUCT_ID, P_LICENSE_ID, P_AGENCY_ID, P_PROD_SEQ_NUM) (Deprecated)
  • SQL used to identify Events to be printed under Status of Patient's health damage field on the PMDA Device report form 8 and 10 (Parameters: P_CASE_ID, P_PRODUCT_ID, P_LICENSE_ID, P_AGENCY_ID, P_PROD_SEQ_NUM) (Deprecated)
  • File attachments allowed for PMDA Device Profile: it is populated by default with PDF;JPEG;JPG;BMP;PNG;GIF;TIF;TIFF;RTF;TXT;XLS;XLSX;DOC;DOCX;XML;DICOM;HTML;
  • Attachment encoding method in PMDA Device XML report: it has the Double step encoding and Single step encoding similar to PMDA E2B R3 options. For PMDA Device XML, the Double step encoding default value has to be set.