
This dialog box allows you to add and configure various Japanese Emperor Data/Era.

Emperor Code List screen

The following table lists the fields used in the dialog box and their description:

Field Name Description

Emperor Name (J)

This represents the label for the column of text boxes for entering the names of the Japanese Emperors.

Date in Office

This represents the label for column of text boxes for entering dates when the Japanese Emperors assumed their officesDate format DD-MON-YYYY


You can select to display the record in Administrator route in the Products screen

Emperor Name

This represents the label for column of text boxes for entering the names of the Japanese Emperors.

Date Entry Abbreviation

This abbreviation is used as shortcut in Argus Safety and Console Date field to Japanese UI screens while entering year value.This Abbreviation is unique, and duplicate characters are not saved. When you try to enter a character that is already in use and save, a pop-up error message : A duplicate Date Entry Abbreviation already exists! is displayed, and the save operation is canceled.


Internal Only - Protected Field