Profile Switch for Incomplete Report Submission - Auto Action item

  • When this action item is configured, the system creates an action item automatically when Incompletion report is submitted. (Mhlwadmicsrcompleteclass, 1=Incomplete, 2=Complete, Case Form/Analysis/PMDA/PMDA General/Incompletion checkbox)
  • Blank (Default): if this option is present in the Action Item drop-down, the system does not create any Action Items for the Incompletion Report Submission (current functionality).
  • Action Item drop-down (Codelist):
    • This option displays all the Action Items configured within the Code List Action type which are not deleted or allowed to be viewed.
    • If there is a value selected, the system creates an Action Item which would be Due in, as defined by you.
    • The Due in field allows you to enter up to 99 days.
    • The group assigned to the Action Item is Unassigned.
    • The Action Item is created as soon as the status of the Incompletion Report is changed to Submitted.
  • The Audit Log tracks the updates made to this field.
  • Once the Follow-up Completion Report is submitted, the Action Item associated to the report is Closed with the Close Date as the System Date (Server date).
  • If the Follow-up report is still an incompletion report, the Action Item remains open.
  • If the report is nullified (Nullification Report is sent), the Action Item is closed.
  • When there are multiple incompletion reports from one case, the system creates the action items, which are same in number as that of the reports generated.
  • The system appends a default text in front of description (J): Incompletion Report: XXX where XXX refers to the text entered in the Description (J) field.
  • The Group can be assigned using the Follow-up Action Item for Incompletion Report Submission Group Assignment profile switch.