ICSR Pending screen icons

After you accept, authenticate and queue an ICSR report, the report is then processed by background AG services. On the ICSR Pending screen, you can view the processing status of your report. Each status is depicted by an icon and a status legend is displayed at the bottom of the screen, as seen below:

ICSR pending reports icons legend

To see the status changes, you can refresh your screen by using the search option.

Table 8-1 Status icons descriptions

Icon Status Description
Queued icon Queued This icon is displayed when you accepted, authenticated and queued the report for the AG service to process it.

When in this status, the actual processing has not started. In addition, the check box next to the report is disabled and you can not perform any actions on this report.

Processing icon Processing This icon is displayed when the AG service has started processing the report.

Note: Once processing is successful, the report will move to the ICSR Processed screen. When in this status, the check box next to the report is disabled and you can not perform any actions on this report.

Retry in Progress icon Retry in progress If a report was not processed successfully, the system will retry before it marks the report as a failure. b. The default number of retries is 3. In addition, the number of retries that can be attempted is determined by the following new profile switch in Argus Console > Common profile Switch > Background Services: Number of retries to be done for an unsuccessful report to be picked for reprocessing by Auto Accept AG Process. This profile switch allows values from 1-999.

The time interval for re-processing is determined by the below new profile switch in Argus: Number of minutes to wait for a unsuccessful report to be picked for reprocessing by Auto Accept AG Process The default value for this switch is set at 60.

For the above two Console profile switches:
  • You can enter a 3 digits number, however if zero is used, the following warning message is displayed: Please enter numeric value greater than zero.
  • If you enter non-numeric and negative values, the following warning message is displayed: This field can not contain non - numeric value!
  • If a save is successful, the following message is displayed: Common profile has been saved’

You can see the error link with the reason for the report to fail processing in the Details pop-up window.

When in this status, the check box next to the report is disabled and you can not perform any actions on this report.

Failed icon Failed

If the report could not be processed by the background service after three retries, then it is marked as Failed.

You can see the error link with the reason why the report failed processing in the Details pop-up window.

When a report is in this status and the actual processing is completed, you can attempt to accept or reject the report again.

The check box for these reports is enabled, thus you can select for Bulk accept or Reject.

Note: These reports can be selected along with pending reports for Bulk Accept or Reject.