Message Acknowledgement Status Dialog Fields

The following table lists and describes the fields in the Message Acknowledgement Status Dialog box.

Item Description

ICSR Message Number

This is the sender's transmission message number.

Acknowledgement Message #

This is the receiver's acknowledgement message number.

ICSR Message Sender ID

This is the sender name or identifier.

ICSR Message Date

This is the date and time the sender transmitted the message.

ICSR Message Receiver ID

This is the receiver name or identification.

Acknowledgement Message Date

This is the date and time the message was received.

Transmission Acknowledgement Code

This indicates whether the receiver loaded all transmitted reports or part of the transmitted reports into the database.

Report Number

This is the report number for adverse event.

Authority /Company Number

If the ICSR report originates from a regulatory authority/company, this is regulatory authority's/company's report identification number.

Other Number

The system uses this number if the report originates from an entity other than a trading partner or a regulatory authority.

Report Status

Report status can be either "Report Loaded" or "Report not loaded."

Report Type

This is the report type. It can be one of the following


Follow up



Error Message/Comments

This indicates whether an error message or comments are associated with the transmission or receipt of the report.