Processed ICSR Reports

The Processed ICSR Reports screen contains a list all processed ICSR reports. Click the Processed ICSR Reports tab on the Incoming Reports screen to view the Processed ICSR Reports screen.

Processed ICSR reports screen

The Processed ICSR screen contains the following:

  • Search Criteria
  • Total Number of Rows

Search Criteria section

In the Search Criteria section of the Processed ICSR screen, the Message/Batch Number filter option can be used to retrieve reports that belong to the same batch number during bulk import. If no value is set on this field, then all batch numbers are selected.

Error and warning messages are displayed when you click the binoculars icon and when the Agency has the Suppress ACK option set in the Reporting Destination. To view these messages, follow the procedure below:
  1. Configure a reporting agency to suppress acknowledgement.
  2. Import an E2B file for the agency configured at step 1.
  3. On the ICSR Pending screen, accept the imported E2B report.
  4. Click the binocular icon on the ICSR Pending screen.
  5. You can see any error or warning messages for the acknowledgement, even if the Suppress ACK option is checked.

You can use the World Wide Unique # filter option to retrieve reports that belong to a particular WWID. This filter supports wildcard searches (when you use the % symbol). The World Wide Unique # option is available in the Total Number of Rows grid as well.

Total Number of Rows section

The following table lists and describes the fields in the Total Number of Rows section on the Processed ICSR screen.

Field Description

Originated Case#

Displays the Originated Case Number of the case.


Displays the Initial/F-U/Nullification status.

Trading Partner

The name of the trading partner.

World Wide Unique#

The World Wide Unique # for the case.

Import Status - Warnings/Errors

The import status of the case and any associated warnings/errors.

Case # Imported As

The Case Number used when importing the case.

Accepted / Rejected By

Identifies who accepted or rejected the case.


The case notes.

Interchange Date

The Interchange Date.

Date Imported/Rejected

The date the case was imported/rejected.


Yellow indicates the case is still pending

Orange indicates the case is accepted with warnings / errors

Red indicates the user or system rejected the case.

Green indicates the case has been successfully imported.


Yellow indicates the system is waiting to send the report out of the EDI / XML or PHY out folders

Green indicates the report is already sent out of the EDI / XML or PHY out folders

Red indicates that the EDI gateway failed to send the report out of the EDI / XML or PHY out folders.

Show only reports with ACK suppression

This option is unchecked by default.

Check this checkbox to search reports for which ACK transmission is suppressed.

When the ACK suppression is checked, the corresponding report status appears in default state, and the EDI OUT column appears in yellow color. ACK Gen column appears in orange/amber color with warning comment when ACK is unavailable.