Duplicate Search Dialog Box Fields

The following table describes the fields present in the Duplicate Search dialog.

Field Description


The name of the primary agency.

Original Case Number

The submitter's original case number.

Message Number

The case message number.

Product Name

The name of any product on XML.

Generic Name

The active substance on XML.

Report Type

The type of report.

Study ID

The unique value that identifies the study.

Receipt Date

The date Oracle Argus Safety received the report and saved it in the system.

Center ID

The ID of the center.


The salutation, such as Mr. or Mrs.


The suffix, if applicable, that follows the name (e.g., Jr., Sr.,III, etc.)

First Name

The first name of the patient.

Last Name

The last name of the patient.

Country of Incidence

The country where the incident occurred.


The state where the incident occurred.

Postal Code

The postal code of the area where the incident occurred.

Patient Name

The name of the patient.

Event Desc.

A description of the adverse event.


The initials of the patient.

Onset Date

The date from the first reaction or adverse event occurred.

Pat. ID

The unique value that identifies the patient.


The age of the patient.

Pat. DOB

The patient's date of birth.


The gender of the patient.

Reference #

National Regulatory Authority's Report Number, used as a Reference Number.


The journal name of the literature reference.


Select the check box and enter a keyword to be searched, if required.


Select the check box and enter a title to be searched, if required.

Nullification Reason

The reason the case was nullified.

Accept Initial E2B as Follow-Up

Enables you to accept initial E2B as a follow-up to an existing case.


Finds results matching the specified search criteria.

View E2B

Enables you to view the E2B report.

Accept E2B Case

Enables you to accept an E2B case.

Reject E2B Case

Enables you to reject an E2B case.

View Warning

Enables you to view warnings associated with the case.

View Differences

Enables you to view the differences between the XML to be imported (a message that is not yet imported into the database), the current case data in the database, and the last imported case.


This button is available only for follow-up and nullification reports.

Case Number

The case number of the case matching the search criteria.

Pat. Initials

Displays the initials of the patient in the case matching the search criteria.


Enables you to view the Case Summary dialog.

Project ID

Displays the Project ID of the case matching the search criteria.

Study ID

Displays the Study ID of the case matching the search criteria.


Displays the date of the case matching the search criteria.


Displays the country name of the case matching the search criteria.


Displays the product name involved with the case matching the search criteria.


Displays the event involved with the case matching the search criteria.

Report Type

Displays the report type of the case matching the search criteria.


Displays the reporter involved with the case matching the search criteria.


The search output is displayed in the Total Number of Rows section. You can click the Action icon to view the Case Summary dialog.