Configuring Periodic Report Templates

The administrator configures the report templates as follows:

  • Writes the template scripts defining the report content
  • Determines whether the report template contains one or more sections
  • Uses authoring tools to verify the content of the template
  • Assigns each section of the template to one or more groups for the authoring cycle
  • Assigns the groups that are notified when Oracle Argus Dossier authoring or reviewing is required.
  • Assigns groups as the template owner (who can perform any action and can publish the report)

After the report templates are configured, the system does the following:

  • Sends an e-mail message to the assigned authors and reviewers on the date the report is to be generated (scheduled date and time)
  • Generates the FINAL periodic report and creates an entry on the Reports > Periodic Reports section of the Oracle Argus Safety application
  • Places an entry on the Worklist > Reports section of the Oracle Argus Safety application for the assigned users (in any role)
  • Notifies the administrator and users that the periodic report has been generated and is ready for review