Owner Tab Usage Considerations

When using the Owner tab, be aware of the following:

  • All active groups that have been granted access privileges from the Group Assignment tab are included in the Owner drop-down list.
  • You can select one or more groups as the owner of the entire Periodic Report.
    • The owner can perform the generate and build operations.
    • The owner can be both the author and the reviewer and is assigned the access rights defined for such roles.
  • You must select at least one group to be the owner of a Periodic Report.
    • If you fail to select a group to be the owner of the Periodic Report, the system presents the following message:

      You must assign a Dossier owner group.

    • Click OK.
    • If you remove all the owner groups, the system presents the following message:

      You must assign a Dossier owner group.

  • AG Service sends e-mail notifications to all Authors, Owners, and Reviewers, if you have selected them for notification when a specific period report is generated or regenerated when the following occur:
    • Report is generated
    • Report is ready to build
    • Build is completed successfully
    • Build is failed in between processing
  • The system sends an e-mail notification to the users in the groups listed in the Notify list. The application sends e-mail notifications to users when the following occur:
    • A Periodic Report is generated:
    • The author has checked the Ready for Review checkbox.
      • The application sends an e-mail notification to the appropriate reviewers.
      • If there are multiple reviewers groups specified for a given section, the application sends each reviewer an e-mail notification.
  • The email notification includes the following:
    • Subject - Oracle Argus Dossier Section for <Periodic Report Name> ready for Review
    • Section Name & Description - The name and description of the completed section.
    • Report Name - The name of the report this section has been completed for.
  • E-Mail Layout


    <Periodic Report> Section for <Periodic Report Name> is ready for Review

    Body: (the following four fields are taken directly from the Reports - Periodic Reports dialog)

    Trade Name: <Product Name(s)> Destination: <Submission Destination>

    Description: <Description>

    Due Date: <Due Date of Periodic Report>

    The authoring of the <section name> <Section Description> for the <periodic report> "<PSUR Name>" has been completed and is ready for your review. Please log into Oracle Argus Safety to review your section utilizing the menu option "Reports > Periodic Reports" and selecting the "View Argus Dossier" option for the correct report.