Oracle Argus Insight Process Flow

The flowchart in Overview of Generating a Report in Oracle Argus Insight depicts the typical steps to generate a report in Oracle Argus Insight. Refer to your company's guidelines for the exact workflow for generating reports and analyzing data in Oracle Argus Insight.

Figure 1-1 Overview of Generating a Report in Oracle Argus Insight

Overview of Generating a Report in Oracle Argus Insight

Table 1-1 Tasks in the Process Flow

Task Description

Log on to Oracle Argus Insight

Log on to the Oracle Argus Insight application.

Create a Query

Depending on the complexity of the query, use these Oracle Argus Insight components to create a query:

  • Query by Example (QBE) — To create simple queries based on the fields in the Oracle Argus Safety case form
  • Filters — To create queries based on multiple values in a set of predefined fields
  • Advanced Conditions — To create complex queries by directly selecting data mart (Insight Mart/Oracle Argus Mart) fields and applying Boolean and set operations on them

Execute the Query to Generate a Case Series

Execute the query to have the system search the entire data mart (Insight Mart/Oracle Argus Mart) and retrieve a list of cases (case series) that match the criteria you specified while creating the query.

Generate Oracle Analytics Publisher Standard Reports on the Case Series

Select and run a built-in Oracle Analytics Publisher standard report. You can limit this report to only run on the case series.

Generate Oracle Analytics Publisher Custom Reports on the Case Series/Power Queries

Select and run a custom report you created and stored in the Oracle Analytics Tool(s) library. You can limit this report to only run on the Case Series/Power Queries from Oracle Analytics Tool(s).

Query the Data Mart

(Insight Mart/Oracle Argus Mart)

Use Oracle Analytics Tool(s) to directly query the mart.