About Oracle Analytics Server Aggregate Analysis—Sample Dashboard

To view Oracle Analytics Server Aggregate Analysis - Sample Dashboard:

  1. From Oracle Argus Insight, navigate to Reporting > Answers.

    The Oracle Analytics Server URL is opened in a new window as configured in the Argus Insight > List Maintenance > Profile Switch.

  2. Go to Dashboard > Aggregate Analysis - Sample Dashboard.

    A sample dashboard as available in Oracle Argus Insight catalog, will generate a report based on the selected prompt values.

    The Sample Report displays the data based on the prompts available on the dashboard, such as:

    • Enterprise ID
    • Aggregate Configuration Name
    • Report Form Name
    • Report Type

    You may drill-down based on the Case Count Dimension.


    By default, the drill-down option is available only for Sample Dashboard. For Custom Dashboards, add the drill-down option manually.

  3. To view the Sample Line Listing Report, click the case count.