1 Introduction

The Oracle Argus Mart CMN Profile Global Table Guide describes the profile switches that you can use to control the behavior of the Oracle Argus Mart application.

The CMN_PROFILE_GLOBAL table exists in Oracle Argus Safety and contains all the Global Common Profile Switches that control the behavior of the Oracle Argus Mart application.

The CMN_PROFILE_ENTERPRISE table exists in Oracle Argus Safety and contains all the Enterprise-specific Common Profile Switches that control the behavior of all enterprises in Oracle Argus Mart.

In addition to these tables, the RM_CMN_PROFILE_GLOBAL and RM_CMN_PROFILE_ENTERPRISE tables comprise all the Internal Common Profile Switches. These tables exist in Oracle Argus Mart.

All these profile switches are explained in the subsequent chapters.

For more information on this guide's structure, see: