4 Configure Flexible Data Re-categorization Code List

Flexible Data Re-categorization is an Oracle Argus Safety functionality through which users can define code list display values (LM tables) in different languages.

Oracle Argus Safety maintains this data in the tables CODE_LIST_MASTER, CODE_LIST_CODE_ATTRIBUTES, and CODE_LIST_DETAIL_DISCRETE for supported languages.

The Oracle Argus Mart ETL populates the code list data in the tables RM_CODE_LIST_MASTER, RM_CODE_LIST_CODE_ATTRIBUTES, and RM_CODE_LIST_DETAIL_DISCRETE, which are used for processing the SM table columns.

Based on the applicable language, the SM table fields are divided into the following categories:

  • LI - Language Independent fields: These fields are applicable for first-human language, or second-human language parameters. The values are the same, irrespective of the language code.

  • FL - First Language fields: These fields are populated on the basis of the Argus Mart Common Profile Switch FIRST_HUMAN_LANGUAGE, which is present in Argus Console.

    The default value of this switch is en. As a result, the default language in which these fields will be populated is English.

    If the user configures this switch with any other available language and if its corresponding data is also present in the Flexible Data Re-categorization code list tables, these first language fields will contain data as per the configured language.

  • SL - Second Language fields: These fields are populated on the basis of the Oracle Argus Mart Common Profile Switch SECOND_HUMAN_LANGUAGE, which is present in Argus Console.

    The default value of this switch is NULL. This implies that the second language fields will be populated in the SM tables only after this switch is configured.

    If the user configures this switch with any other configured language (like German), and:

    • If its corresponding data is also present in the Flexible Data Re-categorization code list tables, these second language fields will contain data as per the configured language.

    • If its corresponding data is not available in the Flexible Data Re-categorization code list tables, these second language fields will contain data as per the English language.

  • EN - English fields: These fields are always populated for only the English language.

  • J - Japanese fields: These fields are applicable only if the second-human language parameter is set to Japanese language.

  • EN_ABBRV: These fields use the EN_ABBRV language for the specified code list.

  • SM: These fields use the SM language for the specified code list.

The following is an example to configure a code list display value in a new language for an already existing code in Oracle Argus Safety:

Example 4-1 Configure Flexible Data Re-categorization

For a code list GENDER, data in the table CODE_LIST_DETAIL_DISCRETE for code 1 is available in the following four decode contexts (languages):

Figure 4-1 Original Decode Contexts (Languages)

Original Decode Contexts (Languages)

To configure the same code 1 in the code list GENDER for a new language such as GERMAN (decode context ge), populate the table CODE_LIST_DETAIL_DISCRETE with required values in the GERMAN language. For example:


Figure 4-2 New Decode Contexts (Languages)

New Decode Contexts (Languages)