Populate a Custom UVT table

The Oracle Argus Mart ETL maintains Unique Value Tables (UVT) for first-human language and second-human language, as defined in the system. The UVTs contain the list of distinct values available for categorical data items in the case data.

To populate a custom UVT table, you must first check the source and target table mapping from the table ETL_UVT_SM_MAPPING.

Fetch the data from the source table into the target table as per the mapping done above.

Example 5-4 Populate a custom UVT table

Follow the steps given below to populate a column in the table UVT_GENDER:

  1. Check the mapping between the source table PRE_SM_CASE and the target table UVT_GENDER from the table ETL_UVT_SM_MAPPING.

    SQL to populate a custom UVT table
  2. After mapping the tables and their related columns, you can populate the column(s), as required.