Data segregation impact on system-level configuration items

The following table specifies some specific system-level configuration items which are configured through Oracle Argus Safety Console. It specifies the impact on these configuration items due to data segregation design for multi-tenant installations and also specifies the recommendations for customers on these items.

Configuration Item Application Design Recommendation for Customers
Enable/Disable MedDRA/WHO Web Service Encoding System keeps it segregated for each enterprise.

However, the underlying web service used for MedDRA/WHO is common for all the enterprises as their configurations are maintained in common XML file on the web server(s).

Lot Number Web Service configuration System keeps it segregated for each enterprise. As this is related to the product, Oracle recommends you keep it specific for each enterprise.
Documentum Configuration System keeps it segregated for each enterprise. All parameters except for Cabinet Name are expected to be maintained as same for different enterprises.
Enable/disable LDAP & LDAP Server configuration This will be maintained by application as common for all enterprises. None
Enabled Modules The system keeps it segregated for each enterprise. None
Enable/disable SSO & SSO Header Configuration This will be maintained by application as common for all enterprises. None
Argus Insight URL System keeps it segregated for each enterprise. It is expected to be maintained same for across all enterprises by the customer.
Argus Safety Load Balancer Server System keeps it segregated for each enterprise. It is expected to be maintained same for across all enterprises by the customer.
User Information System keeps it segregated for each enterprise. For multitenant installations, user attributes can be synchronized for all the enterprises through Global User Management.

However, user attributes can also be updated for a specific enterprise through Oracle Argus Safety Console as well.

Default Enterprise System keeps it segregated for each enterprise. This is a new internal common profile switch that marks an enterprise as the Default enterprise. This is set during the time of install. Default enterprise once created during database creation is fixed. This is required to avoid the data synchronization issues that may occur for AG Service users in different enterprises.
SMTP Configuration System keeps it segregated for each enterprise. None