Data segregation by module

The following table describes how each module in the Oracle Health Sciences Safety suite provides data segregation in a multi-tenant environment.


It is not recommended that you open the Oracle Argus Safety application for multiple enterprises at the same time. Close the Oracle Argus Safety application for the previous enterprise before opening it for the next enterprise to avoid data issues.

It is recommended that you use the Application Access portlet to open the Oracle Argus Safety application for different enterprises, as it takes care of closing the previous enterprise before opening the new one.

Module Cross Enterprise Accessed Via Portal Notes
Global Worklists Yes Yes Displays data from across multiple enterprises.
Global User Management Yes Yes Displays data from across multiple enterprises.
Global Enterprise Management. Yes Yes Displays data from across multiple enterprises.
Applications Access Yes Yes Displays Application Access options from across multiple enterprises.
Argus Safety No No Displays data for one enterprise at a time to the logged-in user based on the selected enterprise.
Argus Console No No Displays data only for the enterprise for which Argus Safety was opened by the user.
Argus Affiliate No No Displays data for one enterprise at a time to the logged-in user, based on the selected enterprise.
Argus Unblinding No No Displays data for one enterprise at a time to the logged-in user, based on the selected enterprise.
Argus Interchange Service Yes No Argus Interchange Service processes data from all the enterprises, as it is a background service.
Argus Safety Service Yes No Argus Safety Service processes data from all the enterprises as it is a background service.
AG Service Configuration Tool Yes No As AG Service is common across all the enterprises, hence its configuration tool is also common.
MedDRA Re-code Tool Yes No Allows the option to perform recoding of MedDRA terms across the enterprises.
MedDRA Dictionary Load Yes No Single instance/version of the loaded MedDRA dictionary is available for all the enterprises.
MedDRA/WHO Web Services Yes No These web services remain common to be used across all the enterprises. Their configuration is maintained in a common XML file on the web server(s).
J Drug Dictionary Yes No Single instance/version of the loaded J Drug dictionary are available for all enterprises.
Case Intake No No Case Intake messages for separate enterprises are segregated and loaded into appropriate enterprise partitions.
Literature Intake No No Literature Case Intake data for separate enterprises are segregated and loaded into appropriate enterprise partitions.
PSL No No The PSL interface segregates the incoming requests for each enterprise partition.
DLP No No Partitions the case revisions by enterprises.
TMS Integration No No TMS integration for single-pharma installations only.
Argus Dossier No No As this module is linked to Periodic Reports, hence it partitions the periodic reports data by enterprise.