
The (R3) specific tables in the schema hold the generated E2B (R3) XML data and also helps in effective data handling.

  • Global Temporary tables (GTT) temporarily store data for report output generation. These are the only tables used in the BIP data model.
  • Log Tables store logging information based on the configuration in the CFG_RPT_AGG_PARAMS.

    This table <RPT_EXPD_XML_LOG> is populated while executing the PMDA (R3) Paper reports based on the parameter 'Populate Log Tables Yes/No' in the configuration table being 1.

    Table 8-1 List of Tables in BIP Owner Schema specific to PMDA (R3) Paper Reports.

Table Name Type Purpose


Global Temp

Stores the E2B XML data from the SAFETYREPORT table in ESM Schema owner.


Global Temp

Extracted lab tests data from the XML is stored in this table. Data pertains to a single case for a user in a session.


Global Temp

Matrix formatted lab test data is stored here. Data pertains to a single case for a user in a session.



Log data for GTT_RPT_EXPD_XML.



Log data for GTT_RPT_EXPD_XML_LAB.



Log data for GTT_RPT_EXPD_LAB_MAT.

Data is logged into the log tables if the report needs to be debugged. For this, the parameter Populate Log Tables Yes/No is set to 1 in the CFG_RPT_AGG_PARAMS table present in the Argus application schema. The default value is 0.

For details about tables, columns, and column mappings with Oracle Argus Safety, refer to the Argus Flexible Reporting Data Model.xls.