Export and Import Validations

Use the following approach to determine if the incoming E2B is valid and can be accepted.

Failure of any of these validations will be logged in the ERROR_LOG table.


In case of a validation error under this category, the Interchange accept process rejects the incoming message and generates a negative ACK with a corresponding error message.

The following list describes the hard validations categories:
  1. Length Validation:

    If the length of the element in the incoming message exceeds the prescribed length for that element in the profile configuration for that element, the application generates an error

  2. Code list data validations:

    If the data element is configured to have an “Allowed Value” set in the particular profile, the incoming data in the file is validated against the configured allowed value for that profile. If the incoming value doesn’t belong to the allowed set, the application generates an error.

  3. Minimum case creation validation:

    set of validations that are required to register a case. In order to process the report for an incoming message, the message should contain the required valid data for these elements. The minimum case validations are stored in the CFG_E2B_IMPORT_VALIDATION table.


In case of a validation error under this category, the Interchange accept process does not reject the incoming message. The process keeps a log of the error under this category for future reference in the ICSR Pending screen and in Case Attachment.

The following list describes the soft validations categories:
  1. Element Conformance Validation:

    If the conformance of the element in the incoming message does not satisfy the element level conformance defined in the respective profile, an error is logged for the element.

  2. Mandatory along with Validation:

    If an element is configured as Mandatory Along with another element, and either of them aremissing in the incoming report, an error is logged for the element.

  3. Additional Validation:

    The validations that are executed under this category are the same as those executed during theEMA E2B R3 Export