3 Reporting destinations setup

As per the Business rules for E2B(R3) published by MFDS (Business rules for E2B(R3)Business rules for E2B(R3)), the reports have to be submitted to 4 different offices, based on the case data.

Therefore, BATCHMESSAGERECEIVERIDENTIFIER [N.1.4] and MESSAGERECEIVERIDENTIFIER [N.2.r.3] should have one of the below values:

  • Domestic Clinical Trial: MFDS-O-CT (Test environment-MFDS-T-CT)
  • Foreign Clinical Trial: MFDS-O-CF (Test environment-MFDS-T-CF)
  • Compassionate Use: MFDS-O-CU (Test environment-MFDS-T-CU)
  • Domestic Post-marketed: MFDS-O-KR (Test environment-MFDS-T-KR)
  • Foreign Post-marketed: MFDS-O-FR (Test environment-MFDS-T-FR)

To achieve this, set up five different reporting destinations with agency identifiers in Oracle Argus Safety.

EDI tab