MIR Report Type

Report Type of the MIR Report is populated based on the previous report submitted to the same Reporting Destination and MIR Report Type field in the EU CA Device dialog.

Appropriate data entry in MIR Report type field is required, considering the MIR Report Cycle.


Existing check boxes Update to Initial Report (Follow-up Report) andFinal Report are specific to Canadian Device Report and will not be used for MIR Report.
Previous Report to the same destination Value selected in MIR Report Type Field in EU CA Device Dialog MIR Report Type Comments
No None Initial N/A
No Final Reportable Combined initial and final N/A
No Final Non-reportable Initial This is an Invalid data entry practice. However the Initial would be marked/populated in Report Type.
Yes Follow up Follow up N/A
No Follow up Initial N/A
Yes Final Reportable Final (Reportable Incident) N/A
Yes Final Non-reportable Final (Non-reportable Incident) N/A
Yes None Follow up N/A