Emailing an Oracle Analytics Dashboard Page or Request

You can email a dashboard page or a request as an attachment. The format you use depends on your browser, such as Web Archive, Single File (.mht) in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Archive Format (.maf) in Mozilla and Firefox.


The Mozilla Archive Format capability is available as a separately downloaded plug-in.

In any browser, you can also save a dashboard page or request as a collection of HTML files. You can then zip and email the corresponding directory of associated files.

To email a dashboard page or request:

  1. Navigate to the dashboard page or request that you want to send.
  2. To email a request, click the Print link, and then choose HTML or PDF. To email a dashboard page, locate and click the Print icon at the bottom of the dashboard, and then choose HTML or PDF.

    A new browser window opens that contains the dashboard page or the request.

  3. From the browser's toolbar, choose File > Save As.
  4. Save the file to the desired location, with the appropriate file type for your browser.
  5. Send the saved attachment using an email application.


The saved attachments can also be used as a means to archive and restore requests as they exist at a particular point in time.