Expedited Report Management Dashboard Pages

This dashboard includes the following tabbed pages:

Expedited Submission Volume Management

This page displays reports on the volume of pending expedited reports.

This page includes the following prompts, which are common to all its reports:

  • Report Destination: Lists the reporting destination for the case.
  • Report Assigned User Group: Lists the names of the user group to which the report has been assigned.
  • Report Assigned User ID: Lists the User ID for the report assigned to the case.
  • Report Generation Date Between: Lists the time period of report generation for the case.

This page includes the following reports:

Expedited Submission Compliance Management

This page displays reports on the submission compliance of pending expedited reports, i.e. whether expedited reports can still be submitted on time or not.

This page includes the following prompts, which are common to all its reports:

  • Report Destination: Lists the reporting destination for the case.
  • Report Assigned User Group: Lists the names of the user group to which the report has been assigned.
  • Report Assigned User ID: Lists the User ID for the report assigned to the case.
  • Report Generation Date Between: Lists the time period of report generation for the case.

This page includes the following reports:

Expedited Failed/Pending ACK Volume Management

This page displays reports on the volume of E2B reports that have been submitted but have received an ACK with a 'Failed' status, or for which the ACK is still pending.

This page includes the following prompts, which are common to all its reports:

  • Report Destination: Lists the reporting destination for the case.
  • Report Assigned User Group: Lists the names of the user group to which the report has been assigned.
  • Report Generation Date Between: Lists the time period of report generation for the case.

This page includes the following reports: