About Security in Oracle Argus Analytics

Oracle Argus Analytics spans several applications:

Oracle Argus Safety is the data source.

ODI ETL Execution plans and transforms Oracle Argus Safety data structures into the star schemas required by Oracle Analytics Server.

Oracle Analytics Server reads from the star schemas and provides the user interface, where end-users can view and analyze data through dashboards and reports.

Oracle Argus Analytics security includes:

  • Authentication

    Oracle Argus Analytics user accounts are maintained in WLS Embedded LDAP. A customer who is using OAM to authenticate the source system access can also configure it for Oracle Analytics Server authentication.

  • Authorization

    You assign user accounts to user groups in WLS Embedded LDAP. On login, Oracle Analytics Server ascertains the authenticated user's user group, where user groups with the same name determine which parts of Oracle Argus Analytics the user can use.

    Predefined Oracle Analytics Server user groups determine the privileges allowed to users and allow access to the shipped Oracle Argus Analytics dashboards and reports. You can create additional user groups as needed in OAS.

  • Data Access

    In Oracle Argus Analytics, access is also performed at row level. This is done by extracting the access records for studies, products and sites from the source system.

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