Add an application pickup to a community for Vaccine (FDA)

Follow this procedure to add an application pickup for EMEA, FDA (Drugs only), and other agencies.

  1. From the Getting Started screen, click the Home menu, then click the community name.
    The Summary screen opens.
  2. From the menu bar, click Trading configuration.
  3. From the navigation graphic below the menu bar, click Application pickup.
    The Application pickup page opens.
  4. From the Related tasks list at the bottom of the page, click Add an application pickup.
    The Exchange Wizard screen opens.
  5. From the Choose transport protocol tab, select Application File System, then click Next.
  6. From the From address tab, select Always Parse for the address, then configure the following settings:
    1. Select the option If the document is EDI, parse for the address (only for PMDA).
    2. Select the option If the document is XML, use XPaths to locate the address.
    3. Configure the settings for If the document is XML, use XPaths to locate the address, by adding the following values in the From XPath field for FDA EVAERS:
      • /MCCI_IN200100UV01/PORR_IN049016UV/sender/device/id/@extension
      • //MCCI_IN200101UV01/MCCI_IN000002UV01/sender/device/id/@extension
    4. Click Next.
  7. From the To address tab, select Always Parse for the address, then configure the following settings:
    1. Select the option If the document is EDI, parse for the address (only for PMDA).
    2. Select the option If the document is XML, use XPaths to locate the address.
    3. Configure the settings for If the document is XML, use XPaths to locate the address, by adding the following values in the To XPath field for FDA EVAERS:
      • /MCCI_IN200100UV01/PORR_IN049016UV/receiver/device/id/@extensio n
      • //MCCI_IN200101UV01/MCCI_IN000002UV01/receiver/device/id/@extension
    4. Click Next.
  8. From the Enter file system settings tab, in the Directory field, click Browse and select the path to the agency directory on the trading engine server file system, then click Next.
  9. In the Exchange name tab, enter a name for the delivery exchange.
  10. Click Finish.
    The application pickup is created, and the screen Change this application pickup is displayed.
  11. Click the Inline processing tab and enter the following information under the Inline processor customization section:
    • Description: GetMessagesInformation
    • Class name: com.cyclonecommerce.relsys.router.GetMessageInfo
    • Parameter: Relsys Argus
  12. Click the Message attribute tab, and configure the following:
    1. Under Fixed message attribute section, enter the following values in the Value field, then click Add after each entry:
      • FdaCenter
      • FdaSubmissionType
    2. From the Attribute name drop-down, select FDACenter, enter CBER in the Value field, then click Add.
    3. From the Attribute name drop-down, select FdaSubmissionType, enter VAERS in the Value field, then click Add.
  13. Click the Advanced tab, and, under Message processing section, select Limited - only use message handler and collaboration settings.


    This option is available in Axway B2Bi 2.3.x version only.
  14. Click Save changes.