Add public URL configuration in trading pickup (Pharma Company URL)

Use this procedure to configure the URL that your partners use to connect to the HTTPS server to exchange messages.

  1. From the menu bar, hover over the Trading configuration icon, then click Manage trading configuration.
    The Communities screen opens.
  2. From the list of communities, click the name of the community that you want.
    The Summary screen opens.
  3. From the navigation graphic below the menu bar, click Trading pickup (Pickup Delivery exchange).
  4. From the list of trading pickups, click the link under Name.
    The Change this pickup page appears.
  5. In the HTTP (embedded) settings tab, enter the URL used by partners, and click Save changes.
  6. If you are using Axway B2Bi version 2.3.x, perform the following steps:
    1. Click the Advanced tab.
    2. For the Message processing, select Limited, and click Save changes.


    Ignore this step, if the Limited option is not visible.