AMS user on-boarding

After the initial Argus Safety Suite setup is completed in any customer environment, the AMS team logs in to each application and performs a sanity check. Once the validation and sanity check are completed, an environment is released.

The following activities are performed as part of the AMS on-boarding process:
  • Setup SSO Federation between Customer IDCS and Oracle IAMS: AMS users are authenticated via Oracle IAMS (Corporate OIM). To accomplish this, the federation is setup between customer IDCS and Oracle IAMS, as part of the Argus Cloud Service provisioning.
  • Create a user in IDCS: Oracle Users in IDCS are created as federated users. Thus, the users can not authenticate via IDCS.
  • Create a user in Argus Safety: AMS Users have restricted access in the Argus application. AMS users only have login access and do not have access to case data.