Enterprise Export

Use this utility to export data for a specific tenant or Enterprise.

What does it do?

This utility is used by multi-tenant customers to export data for a specific tenant / Enterprise.

How do I get it?

You need to create a change request (CR) ticket in Life Sciences Customer Support Portal asking for access to the Enterprise Export utility.

You can use the following example when filling out the Summary section:

Provide Data Extract for <ENT1> Enterprise from <Dev/Val/Prod> environment
You need to provide the following information in the ticket description:
  • The enterprises you need to be exported from Safety. The enterprise short names need to be separated by a comma. Example: ENT1,ENT2,ENT3.


    In case no enterprise is provided, the data is extracted for DEFAULT enterprise.
  • Do you need to export DLP data?


    The default value is set to yes.
After you have provided the above information, Oracle will extract the data based on the given inputs and the following files will be exported:
  • three non-enterprise dumps:
    • argus_non_enterprise_table_export.dmp
    • interchange_non_enterprise_table.dmp
    • dlp_non_enterprise_table_export.dmp


      The dlp_non_enterprise_table_export.dmp dump is provided only if DLP data export is selected.
  • three Enterprise dumps for each enterprise:
    • ENT1_argus_enterprise_table_export.dmp
    • ENT1_interchange_enterprise_table_export.dmp
    • ENT1_dlp_enterprise_table_export.dmp


      A log file is also shared for each dump file: For example if there are six dumps, then six log files are shared.

Oracle provides the details regarding from where the files need to be downloaded in the ticket itself.

Where can I find more information?

Log in to My Oracle Support and search for the following article: 2682378.1. Locate the Release Notes for Enterprise Export.