Gateway Certificate Expiry Alert Notification

Use this utility to notify users about the Gateway Certificates expiration.

What does it do?

The Gateway Certificate Expiry Alert Notification utility sends an automated email when a configured Gateway Certificate has been expired or about to expire.

How do I get it?

To implement this utility in your environment, create a change request (CR) through the Life Sciences Customer Support Portal, and provide the following information, based on the gateway you are using (Axway or Oracle B2B):


  1. Certificate Expiry Alert Days - Number of days to receive alert notification in advance before the certificate expiry date.


    This field is set to 30 days, by default. You can request to modify this field as per your requirement.
  2. Email Addresses:
    • FROM - Sender's email address to send out the certificate expiry alert notification email.


      You can provide a different sender email address for each environment (Development/Validation/Production). To identify the email alert received from each environment, you must provide distinct email address for each environment. For the example:



      The sender's email address is not required to be a valid one.

      If this field is being configured at the community level to support any AS1 transmission, then the FROM email address at alert.xml will be overridden. Hence, when this field is configured it must be distinct to identify the environment.

    • TO - Receiver's email address who would receive the certificate expiry alert notification email: Receiver Email Address.
  3. Community - Community for which the certificate expiry alert notifications are triggered.

Oracle B2B

  1. TO - Receiver's email address who would receive the certificate expiry alert notification email: Receiver Email Address.
  2. Certificate Expiry Alert Days - Number of days to receive alert notification in advance before the certificate expiry date.


    This field is set to 30 days, by default. You can request to modify this field as per your requirement.

Where can I find more information?

Log in to My Oracle Support and search for the following article: 2682378.1. Locate the Release Notes for Gateway Certificate Expiry Alert Notification.