Guidelines for preparing CSV files for IDCS groups

The CSV files for groups need to be set up as per the IDCS standards. For more information, see the Import User Accounts section of the Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service guide and the IDCS: Bulk Loading Users and Groups using CSV files page.

The group CSV file is a simple text file in a tabular format (containing rows and columns). The first row in the file defines the fields in the table.

The table below details the minimum attributes that you need to provide for users in the CSV file.
CSV file column headings Value
Display Name The group name
Description The description of your group name
User Members The list of users associated with the group, separated by a semi-colon.

Example: BJones;JSmith

Ensure that the fields in the above columns are unique. Also, verify that the user names from the User Members column already exist in Oracle Identity Cloud Service or in the Users CSV file that is going to be imported before the Groups CSV.

For each account, you create a new row and enter data into each column. Each row equals one record.

When updating the Groups CSV file, you can get the Group Display Names and Description by logging in to IDCS with any Admin user credentials.

In the below table, you can see the OOB IDCS Group Names and Descriptions created as part of the initial installation in IDCS. A user with IDCS Admin privileges can see the groups in IDCS based on the DEV, VAL or PROD environments:

Group Display Name Description
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-FAR_Admin_group FAR Administrator Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-FAR_SafetyAuthor_group FAR Safety Author Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-FAR_SafetyConsumer_group FAR Safety Consumers Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-AI_Admin_group AI Administrator Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-AI_Author_group AI Author Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-AI_Consumer_group AI Consumer Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-PVA_Admin_group PVA Administrator Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-PVA_Safety_group PVA Safety Author Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-PVA_SafetyConsumer_group PVA Safety Consumers Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-EXP_Admin_group EXP Administrator Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-EXP_SafetyAuthor_group EXP Safety Author Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-EXP_SafetyConsumer_group EXP Safety Consumers Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-DV_Admin_group DV Administrator Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-DV_Author_group DV Author Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-bi-DV_Consumer_group DV Consumers Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-as-group Argus Safety Group
ls-oasafety-<env>-b2bi-configure-group AxwayB2BI Admin Role
ls-oasafety-<env>-b2bi-monitor-group AxwayB2Bi View Reports Role
ls-oasafety-<env>-soa-configure-group SOA B2B Configure Role
ls-oasafety-<env>-soa-monitor-group SOA B2B Monitor Role


The <env> value from the above table can be set as dev, val or prod. For example: ls-oasafety-dev-bi-DV_Admin_group, ls-oasafety-val-bi-PVA_SafetyConsumer_group or ls-oasafety-prod-bi-PVA_Safety_group.

The user needs to prepare all the OOB groups for each environment: dev, val and prod. In addition, the user needs to have either SOA or Axway groups based on the gateway configured in the environment.

Apart from OOB Groups, the user can also add custom groups in the CSV file, along with proper description and user members.

Figure 2-3 Group CSV example

group CSV example

The example from above illustrates how you are required to update your groups.csv file.