IDCS Reports

Use this utility to generate out-of-the-box (OOB) reports provided by the Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS).

What does it do?

The Identity Domain in IDCS provides different flavors of the out-of-the-box reports.

  • Audit Log: Capture system activity such as successful and failed logins, user creation, update and deletion, and much more.
  • Notification Delivery Status: View the email notification delivery status for events such as new users, self-initiated password changes, and much more.
  • Successful Login Attempts: View users who have logged in to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service successfully.
  • Unsuccessful Login Attempts: View users who were unable to log in to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
  • Dormant Users: View users who have not logged into Oracle Identity Cloud Service since a specified date.
  • Application Access Report: View how many times users logged in to both the Oracle Identity Cloud Service, and Oracle applications or custom applications in your identity domain.
  • Application Role Privileges Reports: View application role grants and revocations for users and groups for applications that are configured in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
  • Diagnostic Data: View logging data captured in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

How do I get it?

To run the Identity Domain reports, you must have either of the following roles:
  • Identity domain administrator
  • Audit administrator
  • Application administrator

Where can I find more information?

For more information, refer to the Oracle Cloud Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service Guide > Run Oracle Identity Cloud Service Reports chapter.