About Oracle Argus Cloud Service

Oracle Argus Cloud Service is a component of the Oracle Safety Cloud, a simplified package of access, environment, and services in a subscription model.

With Oracle Argus Cloud Service, there are no licenses or support contracts. You access the application via the Oracle Life Sciences Cloud. Data centers cover all global regions and you use the same cloud as Oracle clinical and healthcare applications.

Oracle Argus Cloud Service includes:
  • Infrastructure Management Services: Infrastructure, network, firewalls, switches, data center, and physical server maintenance.
  • Platform Management Services: Virtual machine, operating system, database, and middleware management.
  • Application Management Services (AMS): Full lifecycle application management including deployment, upgrading, and patching.
  • Dictionary Data Services: Loading of dictionary updates (when subscribed), execution of recoding runs.

If you subscribe to Oracle Argus Advanced Cloud Service, an annually reviewed Disaster Recovery environment is also included. Oracle implements the plan in the event of a disaster. The target is a system availability of 99.5 percent and recovery within 24 hours.


Your organization has subscribed to either Oracle Argus Basic Cloud Service or Oracle Argus Advanced Cloud Service. According to your subscription type, you can access certain Argus Cloud modules. For more information, refer to Components of your Oracle Argus Cloud Service subscription.