Print a group configuration list

Print groups are user-defined values used to sort groups and users. Print groups control sorting on various types including case form, menus, listedness determination, advanced condition permissions, restrictions-products, restriction–studies and users. The printout displays all group permissions defined by the administrator.

  1. Click Access Management, then Argus, and then Groups.
  2. Select a Group and click to view the group details in the right panel.
  3. To display the Print dialog that enables you to print either the entire window or only the text covered by the current selection, click Print.
  4. Select the appropriate option and click OK.
  5. In the Print Groups window, select the sections to be printed in the Group Configuration printout.

    By default, the Group Information check box is selected and disabled so that this information always gets printed.

  6. Select the appropriate check boxes and click OK.