About Product Verification Pack (PVP)

The Product Verification Pack (PVP) is a collection of product release artifacts that are aimed at helping with your validation efforts.

The documents in the PVP are used by Oracle for product certification purposes, and Oracle makes the documents available to you at no charge with each major and minor product release. You can use the PVP as a blueprint for acceptance testing.


PVP is available for both Basic and Advanced Oracle Argus Cloud Service subscriptions.

You'll find the following documents in the Oracle Argus Safety PVPs:

  • Summary report
  • Test requirements
  • Test cases
  • Traceability matrix
  • Test results
  • Objective evidence.

A new PVP is made available for every release except patch releases.

We request you to use this PVP on as-is basis and modify as suitable to your intended use of the application, configuration and environment prior to using application in production.

For more information, see: