Update the incoming rule for Delivery Settings for each Partner

Define conditions that will cause payloads to be delivered to the appropriate exchange. If a payload does not satisfy the delivery criteria for any exchange, then the first available exchange will be used. An exchange with no criteria will be used only if it is the first available exchange.


Use this procedure only when the application delivery directory path is unique for every Partner. These steps may vary according to the Customer Partner Configurations.
  1. From the menu bar, hover over the Trading configuration icon, then click Manage trading configuration.
    The Communities screen opens.
  2. From the list of communities, click the name of the community that you want.
    The Summary screen opens.
  3. From the navigation graphic below the menu bar, click Delivery Settings.
    The Application delivery settings screen opens.
  4. From the Related tasks list at the bottom of the page, click Add an application delivery setting.
  5. In the Delivery Settings Wizard, select the application delivery for the partner, and click Finish.
  6. To add a rule, from the list of application delivery, for the specified application delivery, click the link under Criteria and Settings.
    The Change application delivery settings page appears.
  7. In the Delivery criteria tab, click OR, then click Compare.
  8. From the drop-down list, select From Routing ID, and enter the routing ID.
  9. Click Save Changes.

Repeat this procedure to create OR rule for all the Routing IDs available for a partner.