User and group import status report

User status report

When you import users and groups, a status report is generated and it contains the following information:

IDCS User Import Status Report
Report generation date	: 2023-06-16 10:26:31 UTC
Executed by (email id)	:
Customer name         	: 12345
Customer environment  	: ABCD
Import Job type       	: User Import

Job ID        			: 6bc784037b8b4f078d681668c7fd4
Success Count 			: 100
Failure Count 			: 1
Total Count   			: 101
|                 User Import Failure Report                        |
| User Id | First Name | Last Name | Status | Email | Message       |
| smith_k | John       | niki      | Active |       | Missing required attribute(s): emails.value

Group status report

IDCS Group Import Status Report
Report generation date	: 2023-06-16 10:26:31 UTC
Executed by (email id)	:
Customer name         	: 12345
Customer environment  	: ABCD
Import Job type       	: Groups Import

Job ID        			: 6bc784037b8b4f078d681668c7fd4e1a
Success Count 			: 25
Failure Count 			: 2
Total Count   			: 27
Group Import Failure Details
Display Name  ls-oasafety-val-bi-EXP_Admin_group, EXP Administrator Group for val Environment
Error Message Unable to determine the ID for : User : buser_perf_test100

Display Name  ls-oasafety-val-bi-AI_Admin_group, AI Administrator Group for val Environment
Error Message Unable to determine the ID for : User :

If any discrepancies occur in the report, the user can modify the details of any user or group by logging in to IDCS or the user can perform the import again, by following the same import process.

After the users are created, an e-mail is set by IDCS to the primary e-mail ID of the user, prompting to activate the account. The e-mail contains an Activate Your Account link. After the user clicks the link, they are redirected to IDCS and prompted to reset their password.