Execute ETL Dashboard Utility

  1. The TNSNAMES.ORA file present on the Argus Safety Database host must have an entry of each of the following:
    • Argus Safety database
    • Argus Insight database
    • Argus Mart database
    • ODI repositary DB for Argus Mart and Argus Analytics
  2. All TNS entry must be present on the server where the utility is being invoked.
  1. From the command prompt, navigate to Argus Release Media\DBInstaller\Utilities\Create_ETL_dashboard_infra.
  2. Execute the create_etl_dashboard_infra.bat batch file.
  3. 5. Enter the following parameters:
    1. Argus Safety instance, like TNS of Safety DB
    2. Argus Safety application user, like ARGUS_APP.
    3. Password of the Argus Safety application user.
    4. Do you want to configure ETL Dashboard for Argus Insight (Y/N).
      Skip the following Argus Insight parameters, if the Argus Insight configuration is selected as N.
    5. Argus Insight instance. like TNS of Insight DB.
    6. Name of the Argus Insight Mart user, like APR_MART.
    7. Password of the Argus Insight Mart user.
    8. Do you want to configure ETL Dashboard for Argus Mart (Y/N).
      Skip the following Argus Mart parameters, if the Argus Mart configuration is selected as N.
    9. Argus Mart instance, like TNS of Mart DB.
    10. Name of the Argus Mart user in instance, like AM_MART_USER.
    11. Password of AM_MART_USER in instance.
    12. Name of the Argus Mart ODI Repository instance, like TNS of Mart ODI Repository DB.
    13. Name of the Argus Mart ODI repository user in ODI, like AM_ODI_REPO.
    14. Password of AM_ODI_REPO in ODI.
    15. Name of the Argus Mart ODI DBA user in ODI, like SYSTEM or any user with similar privilege.
    16. Password of the system in ODI.
    17. Do you want to configure ETL Dashboard for Argus Analytics (Y/N).
      Skip the Argus Analyics parameters, if the Argus Analytics configuration is selected as N.
    18. Name of the Argus Analytics ODI Repository instance, like TNS of Analytics ODI Repository DB.
    19. Name of the Argus Analytics ODI repository user in ODI, like AN_ODI_REPO.
    20. Password of AN_ODI_REPO in ODI DB.
    21. Name of the Argus Analytics ODI DBA user in ODI, like SYSTEM or any user with similar privilege.
    22. Password of SYSTEM in ODI.