Configuring elements returned with a coding match

Use this procedure to indicate, for each dictionary element, whether to:

  • Return the data to the source application.
  • Save the data in the Oracle Central Coding database.
  • Export the data in a report.
  • Export the element to an external application with the coding request.
  1. Perform one of the following:
    • To configure dictionary elements at the dictionary level, select Coding Setup > Dictionaries.

      The Dictionaries page appears.

    • To configure dictionary elements at the coding definition level, select Coding Setup > Coding Definitions.

      The Coding Definitions page appears.

  2. Perform one of the following:
    • Select a dictionary.
    • Select a coding definition.
  3. Select Actions > Element Configuration.
    The Element Configuration page appears. For a description of the fields on this page, see Element Configuration page.
  4. In the Elements section, select the elements to return or export with a coding match.
    1. Select Return for each element to save to the database and return to the source application with a coding match.


      When you select Return for an element, Requires Reconciliation is also selected for the element. You can then edit both selections.
    2. Select Requires Reconciliation for each element for which to require interactive reconciliation during impact analysis. For more information, see Setting the dictionary elements to require reconciliation.
    3. Select Exportable for each element to export.
  5. Click the Save button.