About data exports

Users with the Reporter role can export data to an external application such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software in the form of a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file. The export is not saved in the Oracle Central Coding application as a report.

Data exports can be of the following type:

  • AutoCode Export—Information on the percentage of autocoded items for one or multiple studies in a specified date range. You can filter the report by date, coding definition, or study.
  • Auto Suggestion List Export—Information about the auto-suggestion list for a coding definition. You can filter the report by coding definition.
  • Coded Items Export—Information on the coded items in one or all studies from one or all study groups in a specified date range.
  • Coder Metrics Export—Information on the coding work that a coder has done in a specified time frame.
  • Coding Consistency Export—Information on the codings for a dictionary type, study, verbatim, and coding mode in a specified date range. You can also choose to export information only on verbatims with inconsistent codes.
  • Query Export—Information on the queries for a study based on query status.
  • Study Metrics Export—Information on the coding work in a study during a specified time frame.
  • Synonym List Export—Information on a synonym list.
  • Uncoded Items Export—Information on the uncoded items for one or multiple studies in a specified date range. You can filter the report by study, date, or status.