Query History page

The help for this page includes descriptions for core fields, actions, and buttons only.

Field Description

Query status

The query status.

  • Opened (Query status icon. Open or Open Pending.)—Entered in the Oracle Central Coding application by a Oracle Central Coding user to be addressed by an Oracle InForm user.
  • Candidate (Query status icon. Candidate.)—Entered by a Oracle Central Coding user with the Issue Candidate Query right.
  • Answered (Query status icon. Answered.)—Open query that was addressed by an Oracle InForm user.
  • Closed (Query status icon. Closed or Closed Pending.)—Query on a verbatim that was successfully coded and approved. A query can enter the Closed state if it is manually closed by a Oracle Central Coding user or automatically closed by the Oracle Central Coding application.
  • Deleted (Query status icon. Deleted.)—Candidate query that was deleted by a Oracle Central Coding user with the Issue Candidate Query right. Only queries in the Candidate state can be deleted.
  • Undeliverable, retry (Status icon. Undeliverable please retry.)—Opened query whose data could not be delivered to the source application because of a communication issue. The Oracle Central Coding application retries delivery when the next Get Requests job runs.
  • Undeliverable, cannot retry (Query status icon. Undeliverable you cannot retry.)—Opened query whose data could not be delivered to the Oracle InForm application because the form is locked or deleted in the Oracle InForm application. As a result, the query is closed in the Oracle Central Coding application.


The date of each transaction related to the query.


The user who entered or most recently modified the query in the Oracle Central Coding application.


The status of the query:

  • Candidate
  • Opened
  • Answered
  • Deleted

Closed by Client

Indicates whether the query was closed by a user in the Oracle InForm application:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Blank

Send State

The delivery status of the query:

  • Pending—The query has not yet been delivered to the Oracle InForm application.
  • Failed—The Oracle Central Coding application could not deliver the query data to the Oracle InForm application due to an error. When you resolve the error, the Oracle Central Coding application attempts to deliver the query data again.
  • DUP_TXID—The query already exists in the InForm application.

    This can occur in rare situations if a query was successfully created in the InForm application, but the Oracle Central Coding application did not receive a confirmation due to network issues. The Oracle Central Coding application resolves this issue.

  • INVAL_REV—The Oracle Central Coding application cannot transfer the updates for the query to the Oracle InForm application.

    This can occur if a query was updated in the Oracle InForm application before it was updated in the Oracle Central Coding application. In this case, the updates from the Oracle InForm application overwrite the changes made in the Oracle Central Coding application.

Send Error

The text of the error if the delivery to the InForm application failed.


The reason the user entered when the query was created.