Get Costs Monthly View

Shows the monthly calculated costs and inflation breakdown for a plan by provider, location, department, general ledger code, and cost.

Method: GET

URL: /cleartrial-ws/plans/{planID}/cost?view=monthly

Sample output in JSON:

 "costsMonthlyView": {
   "planId": 10802,
   "provider": [
       "id": 251,
       "name":"Premium CRO",
       "location": [
           "id": 0,
           "name":"All Locations",
           "department": [
               "name":"Clinical Operations",
               "generalLedgerCode": [
                   "name":"Outside Services",
                   "cost": [
                       "id": 39,
                       "name":"EDC Setup",
                       "type":"Pass Through",
                       "description":"Sample description",
                       "code": "AA.123",
                       "mappingKey": "T002",
                       "monthlyCost": [
                           "year": 2010,
                           "month": 8,
                           "cost": 2666.6666666666665,
                           "inflation": 0.0
                           "year": 2010,
                           "month": 9,
                           "cost": 7333.333333333333,
                           "inflation": 0.0
                       "id": 40,
                       "name":"EDC Licensing",
                       "type":"Pass Through",
                   "name":"Travel Expense",
           "id": 104,
       "id": 10201,

Sub-Resources: None