Get Studies

Lists all the studies accessible to the current user for a given customer ID.

Method: GET

URL: /cleartrial-ws/studies

Table 7-1 Get Studies Query Parameters

Query Parameters Description Accepted Values Examples


Filter to include deleted studies or not. Default is true.






For Pagination. What page of results you are on. Default is 1.





Filter to list compounds modified after a specific date and time.

DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS (in 24 hr format)


?dateSinceModified= 14-Mar-2016 14:00:00

Example: /cleartrial-ws/studies?fetchDeleted=false&page=2&dateSinceModified=14-Mar-2016

Sample output in JSON:

    "studies": {
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "pageSize": 4,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "isLastPage": true,
        "study": [
                "id": 22339,
                "name": "!! 10181",
                "description": "Testf",
                "createdBy": "1, VL",
                "createdDate": "08-Nov-2011 00:40:41 CST",
                "lastModifiedBy": "Scan, Web",
                "lastModifiedDate": "12-Apr-2016 12:13:50 CDT",
                "sponsorId": 10104,
                "sponsorName": "ClearTrial Operations",
                "protocol": "Test",
                "studyPhaseId": 3,
                "studyPhaseName": "II",
                "therapeuticAreaId": 3,
                "therapeuticAreaName": "CNS",
                "therapeuticAreaAlias": "CNS",
                "indicationId": 11,
                "indicationName": "Aneurysms",
                "indicationAlias": "Aneurysms",
                "compoundId": 13317,
                "compoundUrl": "/cleartrial-ws/compounds/13317",
                "actualsPlanId": 56544,
                "actualsPlanUrl": "/cleartrial-ws/actuals/56544",
                "url": "/cleartrial-ws/studies/22339"
        "url": "/cleartrial-ws/studies?dateSinceModified=14-Mar-2016"

In the example above:

  • 'pageNumber': 1, specifies that the current contents belong to page 1.

  • 'pageSize': 4, defines the current page size. In this case, the page has 4 plans.

  • 'totalPages': 1, indicates that there is 1 page available.

  • 'isLastPage': true, indicates that the current page is the last page.

Sub-Resources: None